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Top 5 Albums of 2011
Comments (0) | Thursday, December 29, 2011
Out of everything album we listened to in 2011 nothing struck quite like Nothing Is Wrong. The instant you put it on, it's familiar but fresh. The first thing you notice while listening to the record is the quality. The quality of songwriting, Taylor Goldsmith writes beautiful songs and amazing lyrics and he sings those words as if no other words could substitute in their place. The quality of the band as a whole. This band is a cohesive unit, it's very reminiscent of The Band, and the album was basically recorded live. Who doesn't like harmonies? Dawes nail them every time. Taylor, Griffin Goldsmith, and Alex Casnoff create a three part harmony like no one else in rock music. Let's not forget the quality of production. Jonathan Wilson helps give the album a timeless sound, just like he did with their first album. The quality of the album is undeniable.
Bottom line here is that the album title is true, nothing is wrong. Every song on the album is good, 11 memorable songs that complete a perfect record.
Bottom line here is that the album title is true, nothing is wrong. Every song on the album is good, 11 memorable songs that complete a perfect record.
Go one step further and see them live too. Highly recommended!
2. Wilco - The Whole Love
A band that never fails to amaze. "The Art of Almost" opens The Whole Love and it blows you away. Wilco make a statement on this album. And it's that they are still making grade A albums. The Whole Love ranks among their best. It plays almost like a Wilco greatest hits album. The Whole Love is like a melting pot of their career work and that's the best part of it. It's got everything you want. The track list is well balance and the band is better than ever. It's got something new with each listen as it is sonically layered and like most Wilco albums it craves your attention.
When your a veteran band like Wilco people will always compare back to your old work, talk about the period where they were at their peak. As far as we are concerned The Whole Love will always be in the conversation.
3. Middle Brother - Middle Brother
I really love this album. Middle Brother takes three amazing artists, Matt Vasquez (Delta Spirit), John McCauley (Deer Tick), and Taylor Goldsmith (Dawes). The result is a perfect album that is purely American music. It is as perfect as the other two albums that precede it on this list. With three different singers it is a diverse record that has a fantastic flow. Out of all albums this year I have recommended Middle Brother more than any other album. Its the easiest album to tell someone to go listen to. Even if they only like a few songs they are getting something out of it. As for me, I love the whole thing. -Jeff
*They almost named the band, the Traveling Bill Murrays.
4. Foo Fighters - Wasting Light
Foo Fighters are a dying breed of mainstream rock. For such a mainstream artist this was a very underrated album. Top to bottom its all adrenaline, high octane straightforward Rock 'N Roll. Butch Vig produced the album and brought out the best in them since The Colour and the Shape. It's nothing new from the Foo Fighters as they haven't evolved, they are not trying to be artsy. Just an album full of damn good songs. Honestly, what more can you ask for?
5. Foster the People - Torches
I am a total sucker for music that makes me dance. Catchy beats and clever lyrics, talk about a home run! Foster the People have made quite a name for themselves with this debut that is infectious from start to finish. Just their first single, "Pumped Up Kicks" alone has reaped in a cornucopia of award nominations, including Grammy's for Best Duo/Group Performance and Best Alternative Album! - Pam
Honorable Mention:
The Kills- Blood Pressures
Coming right off the heels of the Dead Weather's second tour, singer Alison Mosshart and guitarist Jamie Hince kick back with their fourth studio album. And they picked right up where they left off. This album is the perfect continuing evolution of the duo. It's spooky. It's smoky. It's sexy!
I am a total sucker for music that makes me dance. Catchy beats and clever lyrics, talk about a home run! Foster the People have made quite a name for themselves with this debut that is infectious from start to finish. Just their first single, "Pumped Up Kicks" alone has reaped in a cornucopia of award nominations, including Grammy's for Best Duo/Group Performance and Best Alternative Album! - Pam

The Kills- Blood Pressures
Coming right off the heels of the Dead Weather's second tour, singer Alison Mosshart and guitarist Jamie Hince kick back with their fourth studio album. And they picked right up where they left off. This album is the perfect continuing evolution of the duo. It's spooky. It's smoky. It's sexy!
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Wilco Week on Thursday Casserole
Comments | Thursday, December 8, 2011
In celebration of Wilco's Chicago Residency (and their awesomeness), Thursday Casserole will be playing tracks from each Wilco album.
But we'd like your help selecting our playlist. What's your favorite Wilco song? You can email us at or leave us a comment on our Facebook or twitter.
We will play one song from each album, so the winning song from each album will get played and the song with the overall votes will also win. Feel free to choose anything from A.M. to The Whole Love to any of the Mermaid Ave. stuff to More like the Moon. You name it we'll play it.
"I rest my head on a pillowy star
and a cracked-door moon
That says I haven't gone too far"
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